Chimney Ridge Landscape Master Plan
About the project
The goal of this project is to envision an approach to regenerative land management for the Chimney Ridge neighborhood. Roots First Design has been hired as the landscape consultant to develop this strategy. The process includes the following steps:
Site analysis and community preference survey to better understand your community’s landscape management needs.
Designate landscape zones throughout the property and identify “best land care practices” for each zone.
Establish a phasing and implementation strategy based on goals for each zone.
Visual Preference Survey
On March 2, the HOA sent out emails to homeowners to get feedback on residents’ visual preferences for the landscape. here is a link to the survey:
As of May 20, 58 Chimney Ridge residents have filled out the survey, representing 44% of homeowners.
Visual Preference Survey Results
Vegetated Swale
A majority of residents favored replacing some lawn with swales planted with native plants to capture stormwater and support birds.
Dry Stream Bed
Residents also favored the use of rocks and boulders in the form of a “dry stream bed” as a way of moving water through the landscape.
Rain Garden
This image was the overwhelming favorite of residents - a “rain garden” to capture stormwater, consisting mostly of ferns and river birches.
Parking Lot Plantings
For the parking lot islands, residents preferred trees with groundcover over other options.
Colorful Plantings
A preference for this image indicated that Chimney Ridge residents would enjoy colorful blooms and leaves in the landscape.
Landscaped Public Areas
Residents expressed a moderate preference for landscaped areas with a variety of low-growing flowering plants over lawn.
Community Garden Beds
There was some interest by residents in having a small area where green thumbs can do some gardening. There was a preference for stone garden beds over raised wooden beds.
Seating Areas
There was moderate interest from residents in offering space for outdoor seating and gathering. This might be most appropriate to locate behind buildings, with residents of each building able to opt in or opt out.